
Handle your customers’ requests and complaints through the best ticketing system for building services! Fully customizable and with cutting-edge notification features, we ensure it is tailored to your needs. Available through the web and through our mobile apps, to give you flexibility and speed.
Oversee your
customer requests

Cutting-edge ticketing features

Use the advanced ticketing features of Moralius to provide an excellent experience to your customers. Give your team all the tools they need to handle your customers' requests and complaints efficiently.

Select exactly who will receive ticket notifications for any account, service, or even for any individual ticket.

Add a comment to a ticket by directly replying to an email.

Allow your customers express their level of satisfaction by rating the service quality of each resolved ticket.

Let your customers and employees easily track the progress of each ticket vs. the agreed SLA through intuitive graphs.

Get all the flexibility you need, by using fully customizable ticket statuses.

Manage your customers' tickets based on their urgency by using the priorities feature.

Track every detail of a ticket by examining the comprehensive history log.

Never miss an SLA, by receiving fully customizable ticket reminders.

Evaluate the quality of the services you offer by reviewing key performance indicators (KPIs) related to customer ratings.

Enhance client flexibility by enabling the use of the customer end user role that can self-register and raise new tickets.

Empower your clients by giving them the ability to approve or reject tickets submitted by their customer end users.

Oversee your customer requests

Put information into effect. Evolve every aspect of your customers' tickets by managing and monitoring the service requests. Automate your ticketing workflow, follow up on your customer requests and track the progress to ensure flawless delivery.

Have it your own way using the ticketing workflow builder, with which you can configure the statuses, steps and notification flow.

Spice things up by providing your customers with the Customer App and capture their requests at any given moment.

Capture every detail with photos, attachments and comments for each service request you create.

Keep up with records by maintaining the history log of each service request until its resolution.

Scrutinize the numbers by monitoring the amount of service requests generated each month and the average resolution time vs. the agreed SLAs.

Corrective actions

Polish your services up! Make your customer’s facility run effortlessly by resolving any issue in no time. Every time any of your customer's corrective actions knock at your door, you can be more than prepared to face it. Moralius follows the trail and maintains the log, response & resolution time, so you can easily access your FM team's conversation with your customers.

Establish your own ticketing workflows with the help of the ticketing workflow builder that lets you create your tickets the way your company understands.

Stay aligned with your customers’ concerns by allowing them to easily capture their issues via the Customer App.

Get a hold of the details with photos, attachments and comments for each corrective action created.

Never lose track of your actions by maintaining a history log for each corrective action until its resolution.

Have a clear view of the numbers by monitoring the amount of corrective actions created per month and the average resolution time vs. the agreed SLAs.

Mobile apps

With our mobile apps, handling your customers’ service requests and corrective actions has never been easier, providing convenient access and control to customer users, supervisors and workers alike.

Ensure you are always on time by tracking through your mobile device the progress of each ticket vs. the agreed SLA.

Creating a ticket from your mobile device is now more convenient than ever - the user describes the request through voice-to-text capturing and adds a picture on the spot.

Make your customers’ lives easier by allowing them to easily submit and track a ticket on the go.

Never miss your customer’ feedback by letting them rate your responsiveness through their mobile devices.