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Yes. You can use the free trial option to browse the entire set of modules for an indefinite time period.

Yes. The main mobile Apps are the Customer App, Supervisor App, and Workers App. They are used by your company's ecosystem and are tailored to each individual's role in the organization.

As a highly developed and reliable product, Moralius enables users to utilize the program with little to no training, which lowers support needs. However, we have a rapidly growing staff of devoted support specialists who work closely with rigorous SLAs to offer thorough support to our customers.

Moralius' Smart Building module is a unique dashboard that fully supports Green Buildings. It offers the company a high-level overview of energy usage, water consumption, indoor environmental quality, outdoor criteria, green power generation, carbon footprint calculation, and cost savings, for comparative investigation. The intuitive management dashboards can be displayed on large screens to raise tenant awareness of the importance of conserving natural resources, lowering carbon emissions, and caring for one's own well-being. We firmly believe that it is an essential tool for facility managers of green buildings and large facilities.

Our sales team is the optimum place to start for any billing question or matter. Reach out to our sales team by sending an email to sales@moralius.com.

We offer the option of connecting the company's payroll system in the HR module, allowing the HR department to work completely unencumbered  through Moralius.

Yes. Moralius enables the creation of numerous accounts/facilities, multiple locations and services and access to your customers.