Closed-Cancelled Activities List

2 minutes time to read

This article will guide you on how to access the list of closed & canceled activities in Moralius.

The closed / canceled activities are quality questionnaire activities that have been completed (closed) or canceled.

To go to the closed / canceled activities list screen, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click on ‘Quality Assurance’ on the menu on the left part of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Closed-Cancelled Activities’.



The following fields are displayed on this screen:

  1. Creation Date

The date of creation.

  1. Closing Date

The date & time that the activity was closed.

  1. Title

The title of the quality questionnaire.

  1. Owner

The full name of the owner of the activity.

  1. Account

The account linked to the activity.

  1. Service

The service linked to the activity.

  1. Supervisor

The full name of the primary supervisor linked to the service.

  1. Account Contact

The full name of the primary account contact linked to the service.

  1. Phone Number 1

The 1st phone number of the account contact.

  1. Phone Number 2

The 2nd phone number of the account contact.

  1. Email

The email address of the account contact.

  1. Subcontractor

The full name of the subcontractor linked to the service.

  1. Grade

The grade that the question has been evaluated with.

  1. Status

The status of the activity.


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Read this article to see how you can filter, sort and export the data of this screen, or even select which columns will appear.