Work Order Calendar

5 minutes time to read

This article will guide you on how to access and use the work order calendar screen.

To access the work order calendar screen, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click on ‘Asset Management’ on the menu on the left part of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Work Order Calendar’.



To use the work order calendar, just follow the steps below:

  1. On the ‘Criteria’ area click on the down-facing arrow icon to expand it.
  2. To view the work orders linked to a specific account, click on the ‘Account’ box and select that account.
  3. To view the work orders linked to a specific property, click on the ‘Property’ box and select that property.
  4. To view the work orders linked to a specific service type, click on the ‘Service Type’ box and select that service type.
  5. To view the work orders linked to a specific asset category, click on the ‘Asset Category’ box and select that asset category.
  6. To view only the work orders created from Preventive Maintenance or Service Requests, click on the ‘Preventive Maintenance/Service Request’ box and select the respective service type.
  7. To view the work orders linked to a specific worker, click on the ‘Worker’ box and select that worker.
  8. To view the work orders of a specific status, click on the ‘Work Order Status’ box and select that status.
  9. Click on the ‘Display’ box and select what you want to be displayed in the calendar below:
    • Select ‘Worker’ if you want to view the worker assigned to each work order.
    • Select ‘Property’ if you want to view the property on which each work order takes place.
    • Select ‘Asset category’ if you want to view the asset category linked to each work order.
    • Select ‘Title’ if you want to view the title of each work order.


Make sure to select criteria that are related to one another. For example, if you select a specific property, then you should also select a service type that exists for that property. Otherwise, no results will be displayed in the calendar.



The work order calendar displays the work orders that correspond to your selections in the above criteria section.

On the top-right part of the calendar, you can select the type of period for which the work orders will be displayed. There are 4 available period types:

  1. Day
  2. Work Week
  3. Week
  4. Month

On the top-left part of the calendar, you can select the actual period for which the work orders will be displayed. The available periods depend on the period types you have selected. For example, if you have selected the ‘Month’ period type, you will be able to select the periods of January, February, March, etc.


If you click on a work order, the screen of that work order will be displayed.

Moreover, to easily view more details, without switching screens, just hover your mouse over each work order.

Also, if your Moralius role is not ‘Subcontractor’ or ‘Customer’ and you have permission to view the work order calendar, then you can also move a work order from one date & time slot to another, just by dragging it through the calendar. Then, Moralius will check if the assigned worker is available at the new date & time and will not allow the change in case of the worker’s unavailability.

Finally, if your Moralius role is ‘Key Account Manager’ or ‘Supervisor’ and you have permission to view the work order calendar, there is an option to be able to view the work orders of the rest Key Account Managers and Supervisors that are part of their team. To do this, simply click on the checkbox called ‘See All Work Orders’.