View/Edit Property

4 minutes time to read

This article will guide you on how to view or edit an existing property in Moralius.


How to view/edit a property

To view or edit a property, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click on ‘Properties’ on the menu on the left part of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Properties'.
  3. Select the property you want to view or edit and click the pencil/eye icon (depending on your role permissions) at the right of the row.
  4. Change the fields that you want.
  5. Click on ‘Save’ if you want to save any changes.


Basic information

On the ‘Basic Information’ tab you can view/edit the following fields:  

  1. Account (non-editable)

The name of the company (account).

  1. Title

The title of the property.

  1. Address

The address of the property. To change it, type the address in the box above the map, or drag the red pin on the exact map’s location.

  1. Range

The range, in which a worker can check-in and out of the property. To change it, use the slide bar just below the map.

  1. Total Inspection Visits (non-editable)

The total number of inspection visits that have been performed on this property.

  1. Total Hours On Site (non-editable)

The total duration of the inspection visits that have been performed on this property.

  1. Avg. Grade of Customer (non-editable)

The average grade provided by the customer for this property.

  1. Active

Shows whether the account is active or not.


The rest of the address-related fields (City, Post Code, etc.) are automatically filled based on the selected address.



On the ‘Services’ tab you can view the services linked to the property with the following fields: 

  1. Service

The name of the service.

  1. Total Inspection Visits

The total number of inspection visits that have been performed for each service.

  1. Total Hours On Site

The total duration of the inspection visits that have been performed for each service.

  1. Avg. Grade of Customer

The average grade provided by the customer for each service.

  1. Active

Shows whether each service is active or not.


Inspection Visits

On the ‘Inspection Visits’ tab you can view the inspection visits performed at the property with the following fields: 

  1. Creation Date

The date and time when the inspection visit was created.

  1. Service

The name of the service.

  1. Supervisor

The full name of the supervisor that is linked with the service.

  1. Inspection Form

The inspection template used.

  1. Duration

The duration of the inspection visit.

  1. Avg. Grade of Supervisor

The average grade provided by the supervisor.

  1. Avg. Grade of Customer

The average grade provided by the customer.

  1. Active

Shows whether the service is active or not.


Quality Questionnaires

On the ‘Quality Questionnaires’ tab you can view the quality questionnaires linked to the property with the following fields: 

  1. Quality Questionnaire

The name of the quality questionnaire.

  1. Service

The name of the service.

  1. Owner

The full name of the owner of the quality questionnaire.

  1. Account Contact

The full name of the account contact.

  1. Grade

The grade of the quality questionnaire.



On the ‘Assets’ tab you can view and edit the assets of the property. The available fields are the following: 

  1. Title

The title of the asset.

  1. Space

The space where the asset is located in.

  1. Asset Category

The category of the asset.


You can edit an existing asset by clicking on the pencil icon. For more information on how to edit an asset, read this article.


You can add a new asset by clicking on the + icon. For more information on how to add a new asset, read this article.

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