First Setup

3 minutes time to read

This article will guide you on how to complete your first set up in Moralius! When you have completed this process, you should have created your first account, key account manager and property, and at least 1 service and 1 supervisor for that property.  



In order to be able to access the ‘First Setup’ wizard, the following must be true:


Step-by-step guide

To complete your first setup, simply follow the steps below.

On the first screen:

  1. Type your first name in the 1st editable field.
  2. Type your last name in the 2nd editable field.
  3. Specify your password in the 3rd editable field (you can check the password requirements at the bottom part of the screen).
  4. Confirm your password in the 4th editable field.
  5. Click on ‘Next’.


On the second screen:

  1. Specify the account name (company name).
  2. Specify the account manager’s first name.
  3. Specify the account manager’s last name.
  4. Specify the account manager’s email address.
  5. Click on ‘Next’.


On the third screen:

  1. Specify the title of the property. This should be the name of one of the properties of the account registered in the previous screen.
  2. Select the property location, either by dragging the red pin on the map at the exact location that you want, or by typing the address on the field above the map.
  3. Select at least one service by clicking on the checkbox.
  4. Specify the supervisor’s first name for each selected service.
  5. Specify the supervisor’s last name for each selected service.
  6. Specify the supervisor’s email address for each selected service.
  7. Click on ‘Get Started’.


After completing the above steps, you will be redirected to the login page of Moralius.