Role Permissions

3 minutes time to read

The role permissions in Moralius define what exactly each role can do. Each role comes with default role permissions - however, they can be customized according to your company’s needs.

The only roles whose permissions cannot be changed are the administrator, the customer and the worker, since these roles require specific permissions to function properly.

Below you can see a summary of the default roles permissions:



This role can fully access (can create, edit or delete records) the features of all modules.



This role can view, create or edit records only of the features that are relevant to the role.


Human Resources

This role has the following permissions:


Key Account Manager

This role has the following permissions:



This role has the following permissions:


Quality Assurance

This role can fully access (can create, edit or delete records) the features of all modules.



This role can view, create or edit records only of the features that are relevant to the role.



This role has the following permissions:



This role cannot access Moralius’ web environment and can only access the features of the Worker App.


Plan’s effect

Finally, the role permissions for each user are affected by the plan that your company has selected. For example, the ‘Leader’ plan doesn’t include the Asset Management module, which means that the role permissions that are related to Asset Management will not be available to any user of a company that has selected that plan.


Related articles

Read this article to learn more about Moralius’ roles.

For more information on how to customize the role permissions, check this article.