Staff Management

4 minutes time to read

In this article you will learn how to use the Staff Management screen of the Moralius Setup Wizard! You can access this screen by following the steps below:

  1. Click on your icon on the top-right part of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Setup Wizard’ on the box that pops up.
  3. Click on the ‘Staff Management’ tab on the top part of the screen.


QR Code Hits Daily Report Recipients

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the role by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on a role to choose it or if you want multiple roles hold down the control key and click on each role.
  4. Click on the x button at the left of the role to exclude a role or open the box and click again on the role you want to exclude.
  5. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Correction Report Role Recipients

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the role by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on a role to choose it or if you want multiple roles hold down the control key and click on each role.
  4. Click on the x button at the left of the role to exclude a role or open the box and click again on the role you want to exclude.
  5. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Customer Staff Evaluation Role Recipients

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the role by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on a role to choose it or if you want multiple roles hold down the control key and click on each role.
  4. Click on the x button at the left of the role to exclude a role or open the box and click again on the role you want to exclude.
  5. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Head of Internal Tickets for Permanent Replacements

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the user by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on the user you want to choose.
  4. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Ticket Category for Permanent Replacements

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the ticket category by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on the ticket category you want to choose.
  4. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Ticket Category for Correction Required

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the ticket category by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on the ticket category you want to choose.
  4. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Ticket Category for Training Required

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the ticket category by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on the ticket category you want to choose.
  4. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Internal Ticket Eligible Owners

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the role by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on a role to choose it or if you want multiple roles hold down the control key and click on each role.
  4. Click on the x button at the left of the role to exclude a role or open the box and click again on the role you want to exclude.
  5. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Internal Ticket Email Recipients

To edit this setting, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click inside the box.
  2. Search the role by typing or scroll inside the box.
  3. Click on a role to choose it or if you want multiple roles hold down the control key and click on each role.
  4. Click on the x button at the left of the role to exclude a role or open the box and click again on the role you want to exclude.
  5. Click on the ‘Save’ button for your changes to take effect.


Import Staff

To import staff records in bulk, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click on ‘Download Excel Template’ for the excel template file to be downloaded.
  2. Open the excel file and fill it with the data needed. The columns of the file are the following - the mandatory columns are marked with (*):
    • FirstName *
    • LastName *
    • Email *
    • JobTitle
    • Phone
    • MobilePhone
    • CanLogin
    • Code *
    • Services
  3. Save the excel file and close it.
  4. Return to the site and click on ‘Import from Excel’. Select the file you want to import and click on ‘Open’.


Related articles

Read this article to find out more about the Staff Management settings.