View/Edit Service Request

3 minutes time to read

This article will guide you on how to view or edit a service request in Moralius.


How to view/edit a service request

To view or edit a service request, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click on ‘Tickets’ on the menu on the left part of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Service Requests’.
  3. Select the service request you want to view or edit and click the pencil/eye icon (depending on your role permissions) at the right of the row.
  4. Change the fields that you want.
  5. Click on ‘Save’ if you want to save any changes.


Basic information

On the 'Basic information' tab you can view/edit the following fields:

  1. Title

The title of the ticket.

  1. Service

The service the ticket is linked to.

  1. Space

The space linked to the service.

  1. Account Contact

The full name of the account contact linked to the ticket.

  1. Owner

The full name of the owner of the ticket.

  1. Status

The status of the ticket.

  1. Creator

The full name of the creator of the ticket.

  1. Creation Date

The date the ticket was created.

  1. Description

A description of the ticket.


Also, on this screen, you can create a new work order. For more information on how to create a work order, read the section below (New Work Order).


Finally, on this screen, you can do the following:

  • Download an attachment. To do this, click on the attached file name under 'Attachments'.
  • Upload an attachment. To do this, click on 'Select attachment' and select the file you want to attach.
  • Read any included comments in the 'Comments' section on the bottom part of the screen.
  • Add a comment by typing text in the 'New Comment' section and then clicking on 'Submit'. You can also add an attachment to your comment by clicking on 'Select attachment' and selecting the file you want to attach.

  • Resolve the ticket. To do this (you need to be the owner of the ticket), add a comment by typing text in the 'New Comment' section, tick the 'Resolved' box and then click on 'Submit'.


New Work Order

In order to create a work order from a service request that is not closed, click on the red 'New Work Order' button.

Then, to complete the work order creation, in the pop-up that appears, on the 'Basic Information' tab, follow the steps below:

  1. In the 'Title' field, type the title of the work order (by default copied from the service request title).
  2. In the 'Worker' field, select the worker that will be responsible for completing the work order.
  3. In the 'Implementation Date' field, select when you want the work order to be implemented. Depending on the worker you have selected:
    1. a green tick icon will appear in the box if the worker is available at the selected date & time.
    2. a red x icon will appear in the box if the worker is unavailable at the selected date & time.
  4. Only tick the 'Skipped' box, if you don't want the work order to be visible to the worker to whom it has been assigned and to the customer linked to the service.
  5. Click on 'Save'.


On the 'Assets' tab, before saving the work order from the 'Basic Information' tab, you can associate an asset to the work order, by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the + icon on the top-right part of the screen.
  2. On the pop-up screen that appears, select the asset that you want.



On the ‘History’ tab you can view the history log of the service request. The following fields are displayed:

  1. Creation Date

The creation date of the ticket.

  1. Owner

The full name of the owner of the ticket.

  1. Account Contact

The full name of the account contact linked to the ticket.

  1. Status

The status of the ticket.


Work Orders

On the ‘Work Orders’ tab you can view the work orders linked to this ticket. The following fields are displayed:

  1. Title

The title of the work order.

  1. Worker

The full name of the worker linked to the work order.

  1. Implementation Date

The implementation date of the work order.

  1. Status

The status of the work order.

  1. Active

Shows whether the work order is active or not.


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