View/Edit Service

6 minutes time to read

This article will guide you on how to view or edit an existing service in Moralius.


How to view/edit a service

o view or edit a property, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click on ‘Properties’ on the menu on the left part of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Services'.
  3. Select the service you want to view or edit and click the pencil/eye icon (depending on your role permissions) at the right of the row.
  4. Change the fields that you want.
  5. Click on ‘Save’ if you want to save any changes.


Basic information

On the ‘Basic Information’ tab you can view/edit the following fields:  

  1. Property

The name of the property linked to the service.

  1. Account

The name of the account linked to the service.

  1. Service Type

The type of service, e.g. ‘Hard’.

  1. Space

The name of the space linked to the service.

  1. Subcontractor

The full name of the subcontractor linked to the service.

  1. Subcontractor Contact

The full name of the subcontractor contact linked to the service.

  1. Start Date

The start date of the service.

  1. End Date

The end date of the service.

  1. Minimum Inspection Visits Required per Month

The minimum number of inspection visits that should be performed for this service each month.

  1. Service Code

The code of the service.

  1. Corrective Actions Resolve Time (Hours)

The time (in hours) in which a corrective action linked to this service should be resolved.

  1. Service Request Resolve Time (Hours)

The time (in hours) in which a service request linked to this service should be resolved.

  1. Total Inspection Visits (non-editable)

The total number of inspection visits that have been performed for this service.

  1. Total Hours On Site (non-editable)

The total duration of the inspection visits that have been performed for this service.

  1. Grade of Customer (non-editable)

The average grade provided by the customer for this service.

  1. Address (non-editable)

The address of the property linked to the service. The address cannot be edited through this screen. To see how to edit the address of the property, check this article.

  1. Active

Shows whether this service is active or not.



On the ‘Supervisors’ tab you can view/edit the following fields:  

  1. Supervisor 

The full name of the supervisor.

  1. Primary (non-editable)

Shows whether this supervisor is the primary one for this service.

  1. Active (non-editable)

Shows whether this supervisor is active or not.


If you want to delete a supervisor linked to the service, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on 'Delete' on the row of the supervisor that you want to delete.
  2. Click on 'Yes'.
  3. Click on 'Save'.


If you want to add another supervisor to the service, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the + icon.
  2. Select the supervisor that you want to add.
  3. Tick the 'Primary' checkbox if this supervisor will be the primary one for this service.
  4. Click on 'Save' on the popup screen.
  5. Click on 'Save'.


Account Contacts

On the ‘Account Contacts’ tab you can view/edit the following fields:  

  1. Account Contact 

The full name of the account contact.

  1. Primary (non-editable)

Shows whether this account contact is the primary one for this service.

  1. Active (non-editable)

Shows whether this account contact is active or not.


If you want to delete an account contact linked to the service, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on 'Delete' on the row of the account contact that you want to delete.
  2. Click on 'Yes'.
  3. Click on 'Save'.


If you want to add another account contact to the service, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the + icon.
  2. Select the account contact that you want to add.
  3. Tick the 'Primary' checkbox if this account contact will be the primary one for this service.
  4. Click on 'Save' on the popup screen.
  5. Click on 'Save'.



On the ‘Subcontractors’ tab you can view/edit the following fields:  

  1. Subcontractor

The full name of the subcontractor.

  1. Active (non-editable)

Shows whether this subcontractor is active or not.


If you want to delete a subcontractor linked to the service, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on 'Delete' on the row of the subcontractor that you want to delete.
  2. Click on 'Yes'.
  3. Click on 'Save'.


If you want to add another subcontractor to the service, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the + icon.
  2. Select the subcontractor that you want to add.
  3. Click on 'Save' on the popup screen.
  4. Click on 'Save'.


Inspection Visits

On the ‘Inspection Visits’ tab you can view the inspection visits performed for the service with the following fields: 

  1. Creation Date

The date and time when the inspection visit was created.

  1. Supervisor

The full name of the supervisor that is linked with the service.

  1. Inspection Form

The inspection template used.

  1. Duration

The duration of the inspection visit.

  1. Grade of Supervisor

The average grade provided by the supervisor.

  1. Grade of Customer

The average grade provided by the customer.

  1. Active

Shows whether the service is active or not.


Quality Questionnaires

On the ‘Quality Questionnaires’ tab you can view the quality questionnaires linked to the service with the following fields: 

  1. Quality Questionnaire

The name of the quality questionnaire.

  1. Owner

The full name of the owner of the quality questionnaire.

  1. Account Contact

The full name of the account contact.

  1. Grade

The grade of the quality questionnaire.



On the ‘KPIs’ tab you can view the KPIs of the service with the following graphs: 

  1. Customer Evaluations Grade for Inspections

Shows the average grades of the service provided by the customer per KPI.

  1. Supervisor Inspections Grade

Shows the average grades of the service provided by the supervisor per month.

  1. of Corrective Actions per Month

Shows the number of correction actions created for the service per month.

  1. Quality Questionnaires Grade

Shows the average quality questionnaires grades of the service.

  1. per Quality Questionnaire

Shows the average quality questionnaires grades of the service per quality questionnaire.


Each graph can be printed out by clicking on the icon at the top-right part of the graph and then on ‘Print’, or saved on your computer by clicking on the icon at the top-right part of the graph and then on the file type that you prefer (e.g. ‘PNG file’).


QR Code

On the ‘QR Code’ tab you can view the QR code of the selected service. You can also choose to print or download the QR code as a PDF.


QR Code Hits

On the ‘QR Code Hits’ tab you can view the recorded QR code hits for the selected service with the following fields:

  1. Space

The space at the QR code hit took place.

  1. Staff

The full name of the staff who performed the QR code hit.

  1. Start

The start date and time of the QR code hit.

  1. End

The end date and time of the QR code hit.

  1. Duration

The duration between the start and the end of the QR code hit.


QR Alerts

On the ‘QR Alerts’ tab you can view any QR code alerts recorded for this service.



On the ‘Shifts’ tab you can view the shifts of the staff linked to this service.



On the ‘Assets’ tab you can view and edit the assets of the property that is linked to the service. The available fields are the following: 

  1. Title

The title of the asset.

  1. Space

The space where the asset is located in.

  1. Asset Category

The category of the asset.


You can edit an existing asset by clicking on the pencil icon. For more information on how to edit an asset, read this article.


You can add a new asset by clicking on the + icon. For more information on how to add a new asset, read this article.


Finally, from this screen, you can create a new SLA for any asset of the selected service. For more information on how to create an SLA, read the section below (SLA creation).


SLA creation

In order to create an SLA, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Select the asset(s) you want to create an SLA for, by clicking on the box on the left of the asset(s).
  2. Click on 'SLA creation'.

Then, to complete the SLA creation, in the pop-up that appears, follow the steps below:

  1. In the 'Title' field, type the title of the SLA.
  2. In the 'Worker' field, select the worker that will be responsible for completing the work orders that will be created from this SLA.
  3. In the 'Frequency' field, select the frequency at which the work orders will be created from this SLA. If 'Based on Default Frequency' is selected, the work orders will be created based on the frequency set in the 'Default Tasks' for the respective asset category of the selected asset(s).
  4. In the 'Start Date' field, select the date at which the SLA will start.
  5. In the 'End Date' field, select the date at which the SLA will end.
  6. In the 'Decription' box, type a description for the SLA (optional step).
  7. Click on 'Save'.
  8. Click on 'Yes' on the confirmation pop-up that appears.

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